Jackson Township Cemeteries
page 1, Jackson Twp. Cemeteries
Located in NW 1/4, Section 14, T1S, R4E. (15.2 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. (SR 135) 12.1 miles to the intersection of Martinsburg Fire Road, turn left, go 2.4 miles to the intersection of Bethlehem Road, turn right, go 0.7 miles to Bethlehem Church and Cemetery.
page 14, Jackson Twp. Cemeteries
Located in SW 1/4, Section 2, T1S, R4E. (12.6 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. (SR 135) 10.3 miles to the intersection of Dutch Creek Road, turn left, go 2.1 miles to the intersection of Falling Creek Road, turn right, go 0.1 miles to a private drive on the left, turn left go 0.1 miles to the end of the lane. (Ask at the house next to the woods.) The cemetery is located in the edge of the woods, at the top of the bluff above the river, and behind the house.
page 15, Jackson Twp. Cemeteries
Located in NE 1/4, Section 7, T1S, R5E. (13.7 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. go 0.5 miles to the intersection of SR 60, turn left, go 9.7 miles to the intersection of Voyles Road, turn right, go 2.7 miles to the intersection of Borden Road, (this is a double "Y" intersection) turn left, go 0.1 miles to the intersection of Voyles Road, turn right, go 0.7 miles to Emmanuel Church and Cemetery. The cemetery is located on the left (east) side of the road.
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Located in NW 1/4, Section 6, T1S, R5E. (11.9 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. go 0.5 miles to the intersection of SR 60, turn left, go 9.7 miles to the intersection of Voyles Road, turn right, go 1.7 miles to Goss Cemetery. The cemetery is on the right (west) side of Voyles Road.
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Located in NW 1/4, Section 1, T1S, R4E. (13.2 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. 0.5 miles to the intersection of SR 60, turn left, go 9.3 miles to the intersection of SR 335, turn right, go 2.6 miles to the intersection of Bush Road, continue on SR 335, 0.7 miles to driveway on the right (west) side of SR 335 (before you get to the top of a small rise in the highway), turn right into the drive (ask at the house), follow the drive up to the left and around the barn to the right, follow the lane past the barn 0.1 miles to a farm gate at a residence. The cemetery is located across the fence to the left of the lane, and 50 yards west of the house. It is surrounded by a stone fence and is under a couple of large cedars.
page [not yet listed], Jackson Twp. Cemeteries
Located in NE 1/4, Section 2, T1S, R4E. (13.2 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. 0.5 miles to the intersection of SR 60, turn left, go 9.3 miles to the intersection of SR 335, turn right, go 2.6 miles to the intersection of Bush Road, turn right, go 0.8 miles to a gravel driveway on the right (west) side of Bush Road, turn right into the drive. The cemetery is located about 50 yards from Bush Road, to your front left on a knoll in a small grove of trees.
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Located in NW 1/4, Section 17, T1S, R4E. (12.3 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. (SR 135), go 12.6 miles to the intersection of Palmyra Lake Road, continue on for 0.1 miles, to the entrance to Lick Branch cemetery on the right. This entrance is in a wooded area and hard to see as you approach, and difficult to enter from the north. I would suggest that you go down the road, turn around and approach the entrance from the south.
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Located in NE 1/4, Section 10, T1S, R4E. (14.4 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. (SR 135) 12.1 miles to the intersection of Martinsburg Fire Road, turn left, go 2.1 miles to a driveway on the left (just after crossing a bridge), turn left, go 0.2 miles, bearing to the left, following the lane, to the barn on the hill. The Peter Martin Cemetery is located east (to the right) of the barn approximately 50 yards in the middle of a field. The cemetery is located on private land owned by Eric Rusby, TX 812-967-2416. Mr. Rusby notes that there is no public access to this cemetery and requests 24 hours notice before visiting the cemetery.
page 43, Jackson Twp. Cemeteries
Located in NE 1/4, Section 12, T1S, R4E. (14.6 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. go 0.5 miles to the intersection of SR 60, turn left, go 9.3 miles to the intersection of SR 335, turn right, go 4.6 miles to the intersection of the Martinsburg-Borden Road (in downtown Martinsburg), turn left, go 0.2 miles to the Martinsburg Cemetery.
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Located in SE 1/4, Section 8, T1S, R4E. (12.5 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. (SR 135), go 12.1 miles to the intersection of Martinsburg Fire Road, continue on SR 135 for 0.2 miles, to a farm lane on the right, turn right, follow the farm lane 0.2 miles to Miller Family cemetery.
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Located in NE 1/4, Section 9, T1S, R4E. (13.7 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. (SR 135) 12.1 miles to the intersection of Martinsburg Fire Road, turn left, go 1.1 miles to a graveled farm lane on the left (there is a large red barn or garage to the right of the lane), turn left into the lane, go 0.3 miles back the farm lane (drive past the red barn and keep going past a mobile home and another house, down over a big hill), to an old two-story farm home (ASK AT THE HOUSE -- This is on private property owned by Mrs. Metz). From in front of the home, turn right and follow an agricultural lane into the woods, and around the base of a ridge, 0.2 miles, to two farm gate posts, before you get to Bear Creek, leave the lane and walk to the right, 200 yards up the ridge, paralleling the creek, to the fence and follow the fence to the cemetery.
page [not yet listed], Jackson Twp. Cemeteries
Located in SE 1/4, Section 4, T1N, R4E. (11.7 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. (SR 135) 10.3 miles to the intersection of Dutch Creek Road, turn left,
go 0.1 miles to the intersection of Buffalo Trace Road, turn right, go 1.2 miles to a private drive, turn right, go 0.1 miles. The cemetery is located in the woods, approximately 50 feet to the right (west) of the drive; it is fenced and has only one stone.
, page 32, Jackson Twp. Cemeteries
Located in NW 1/4 Section 5, T1S, R4E. ( miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. (SR 135), go 11.0 miles to the intersection of Shanks Hill Road, turn right, go 1.3 miles to Rickard Family cemetery. The cemetery is on the left (south) side of road, in the middle of a field, approximately 75 yards from the road; it is fenced.
page 39, Jackson Twp. Cemeteries
Located in NE 1/4, Section 1, T1S, R4E. (13.6 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. go 0.5 miles to the intersection of SR 60, turn left, go 9.3 miles to the intersection of SR 335, turn right, go 3.7 miles to the intersection of Lovell Road, turn left, go 0.1 miles to the crest of the hill. The Scott/Phillips Cemetery is located to the left (north) side of the road, in the middle of the field approximately 50 yards from the road. It is fenced.
page 38, Jackson Twp. Cemeteries
Located in NE 1/4, Section 6, T1S, R5E. (12.3 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. go 0.5 miles to the intersection of SR 60, turn left, go 9.7 miles to the intersection of Voyles Road, turn right, go 1.6 miles to the intersection of Newlon/Gray Road, turn left go 0.4 miles to a drive way on the right, turn right, follow the drive, 0.1 miles to the residence. The Urmery Cemetery is located southeast of the residence, approximately 75 yards. It has a stone fence. This cemetery is on private land, ask at the house.
page 40, Jackson Twp. Cemeteries
Located in SE 1/4, Section 14, T1S, R4E. (16.3 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. go 0.5 miles to the intersection of SR 60, turn left, go 9.3 miles to the intersection of SR 335, turn right, go 6.3 miles (through Martinsburg) to the intersection of the Bethlehem Church Road, turn right, go 0.2 miles to Butler Lane, turn left, go 75 yards. The cemetery in on the right (west) side of Butler Lane approximately 50 feet off of the road.
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Located in NE 1/4, Section 9, T1S, R4E. (13.5 miles from the Courthouse)
Directions: From the Courthouse, go south on South Main St. (SR 135) 12.1 miles to the intersection of Martinsburg Fire Road, turn left, go 1.1 miles to a graveled farm lane on the left (there is a large red barn or garage to the right of the lane), turn left into the lane, go 0.3 miles back the farm lane (drive past the red barn and keep going past a mobile home and another house, down over a big hill), to an old two-story farm home. The little cemetery is in front of the home, next to the barn, with a white picket fence. ASK AT THE HOUSE. (This is on private property owned by Mrs. Metz.)
going past a mobile home and another house, down over a big hill), to an old two-story farm home. The little cemetery is in front of the home, next to the barn, with a white picket fence. ASK AT THE HOUSE. (This is on private property owned by Mrs. Metz.)